patrick626114 sept 20231 min.Fractal FluencyI am please to announce, “Fractal Fluency“ my next solo exhibition. “Fractal Fluency” will be on display in Building 98, Marfa, Texas, ...
patrick626117 sept 20221 min.Phoenix RisingLife is never static. We have certain sets and parameters that act as guardrails to keep our lives within certain boundaries. We rely...
Patrick Fagerberg10 jul 20221 min.Finishing the filmOn October 2022, I will be embarking on a very interesting journey to film the remainder portions of "Patrick", the film I have been...
Patrick Fagerberg10 may 20221 min.What is Art?I make myself this question every day. What is Art? Lately, I have been calling myself an artist. What does that really mean? If you...
Patrick Fagerberg15 abr 20221 min.The Rebirth of TechnologyAs you may know, lately I have been collaborating with the incredible artist Ender Martos. We are working on producing a couple of...
Patrick Fagerberg29 mar 20221 min.Thank You!It has been a bit over a week since my 11th birthday party and I'm finally starting to digest everything that happened that fantastic...
Patrick Fagerberg26 feb 20221 min.11th Birthday Party Invitelink invite for Patrick Fagerberg's 11th Birthday Party. Featuring art work by Patrick, Ender Martos, and guest artist Steef Crombach.
Patrick Fagerberg17 feb 20221 min.That time I was interviewed by Russian TelevisionNo one can deny that my sense of timing is usually rather perfect. (now that's a joke... or is it?) Consider my sense of timing on March...